How much is HRT every month? - Balance Hormone Clinic

The cost of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can vary quite a bit from person to person. Some of the main factors that influence the monthly cost include: Type of hormones used - Estrogen, testosterone, progesterone - different formulations and doses can impact cost - Brand name vs generic hormones Route of administration - Oral pills, patches, gels/creams, injections - Self-administered vs professionally administered Additional medications - Testosterone blockers, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors may be added for transgender women - Lab work for monitoring hormone levels Doctor visits - Initial consultation and follow up appointments - Bloodwork and other diagnostic tests Insurance coverage - Those with insurance coverage will have lower out-of-pocket costs - Uninsured patients pay full sticker price On average, the monthly cost of HRT ranges from:

Those prices do not include doctor visit and lab fees, which can add several hundred dollars more per year. Some money-saving tips for HRT: I sincerely hope this breakdown gives you a better idea of the typical monthly costs associated with hormone replacement therapy. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any other questions!

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