Hormone therapy

Understanding Hormones and Their Importance

Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate many critical bodily functions and processes. When hormones fall out of balance, you may experience symptoms like fatigue, trouble sleeping, mood changes, hot flashes, and more. Hormone therapy can help restore optimal hormone levels, relieving symptoms and helping you feel like your best self again.

What Do Hormones Do?

Hormones are produced by glands and organs including the thyroid, adrenals, pituitary, ovaries, and testes. They travel through the bloodstream coordinating activities like:

Imbalances can occur due to aging, menopause/andropause, stress, poor lifestyle habits, and other factors. Some signs your hormones may be out of balance:

Understanding Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy can get your levels back in balance, providing immense relief. Treatment is customized based on symptoms, medical history, lab testing, and treatment goals.

Options may include:

Treatment is tailored to your unique needs and tweaked over time to maximize benefits while minimizing risks. Most patients start to feel better within weeks, as hormones are restored to more youthful levels.

Determining If You’re a Candidate

Both men and women can benefit from hormone therapy, though more women seek treatment. To determine if it's right for you, we'll review factors like:

If hormone issues are significantly reducing your quality of life, hormone therapy may help you reclaim your health. We develop tailored regimens aimed at restoring balance.

The Many Benefits of Balanced Hormones

With treatment, most patients report significant improvements including:

Balanced hormones enhance vibrancy and vitality, helping you look and feel your best regardless of age. Treatment gets to the root cause of symptoms rather than just masking them.

Risks and Side Effects

Hormones act as messengers throughout the body, so there may be some risks involved. However, bioidentical hormones mirror natural hormones very closely, meaning fewer side effects. We’ll closely monitor your progress, making dosage adjustments as needed.

Potential side effects include temporary bloating, breast tenderness, increased hair growth, moodiness, headaches and more. Oral medications carry a small risk of blood clots or stroke. We’ll work diligently to minimize risks through careful dosing, testing and follow up.

The risks associated with untreated hormone imbalance are significant too - impacting mental health, cardiovascular health, metabolism and more over time. Restoring balance reduces these downstream health risks.

Reclaim your health with hormone therapy now!

Minneapolis’ Top Rated Hormone Therapy Provider

Dozens of clinics provide hormone replacement therapy, but few match our dedication to customized, integrative care. What sets Balance Hormone Clinic apart:

Dr. Amanda Dee, Chief Medical Officer says:

"I fell in love with hormone therapy years ago after witnessing patients transform their health, recovering from fatigue, depression, hot flashes, and more. I saw firsthand the immense value of restoring hormone balance using bioidentical hormones. Now I feel so fortunate to lead a clinic delivering unparalleled integrative hormone care to Minneapolis area women and men."

We’ve supported over 2,000 people through customized hormone therapy, helping them reclaim health, joy and purpose. We’re confident we can do the same for you.

Start Your Hormone Balance Journey Today

If you’re struggling with symptoms that may stem from hormone imbalances, we encourage you to learn more and schedule a consultation.

The first step is getting informed. Browse our website to learn about treatment options, common symptoms, risks and benefits.

When you’re ready, schedule a consultation where we’ll review your health history, symptoms, lifestyle and goals. quick phone call can provide tremendous clarity, and there’s no obligation to proceed.

Call us at 555-1212 or book your consultation online. Our caring team looks forward to supporting you.Here is a draft 500-word FAQ on Hormone therapy with 5 topics, each answer having at least 4 sentences:

FAQ About Hormone Therapy

What is hormone therapy?

Hormone therapy, also called endocrine therapy, is a type of treatment that adds, blocks, or removes hormones to slow or stop the growth of certain cancers. It works by preventing cancer cells from getting the hormones they need to grow. "Hormone therapy plays a vital role in treating many types of cancer," explains Dr. Sarah Kim, an oncologist with over 10 years of experience. "It can effectively shrink or slow tumor growth for cancers that depend on hormones to spread."

How does hormone therapy work?

The way hormone therapy works depends on the type of cancer, but the main goal is to cut off the supply of hormones that encourage cancer growth. For example, the drugs tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors stop estrogen production or block estrogen receptors for ER breast cancers. Meanwhile, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonists and antagonists help treat prostate cancer by lowering testosterone levels. Regardless of cancer type, successfully limiting hormone levels gives other treatments like chemotherapy time to work by slowing or stopping tumor progression.

What are the side effects?

Like other cancer treatments, hormone therapy can cause side effects that range from mild to severe. Common ones involve hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, mood changes, osteoporosis, and joint pain. "I always go over potential side effects with patients beforehand," says Dr. Kim. "That way we can monitor symptoms, adjust dosages if needed, and implement things like behavior modifications or medications to control problems." Working closely with your care team ensures you get the best treatment with minimal impact on daily living.

How successful is hormone therapy?

Research shows hormone therapy helps many patients live longer by keeping cancer at bay for months or years. For example, a 2020 study found stage 2 & 3 ER breast cancer patients who took hormone therapy for 5 years after surgery were over 50% less likely to die from breast cancer compared to those who didn't take it. Success rates do vary though based on individual factors like age, cancer genetics, stage at diagnosis, treatments received, adherence to therapy, and more – so discuss expectations thoroughly with your doctor.

Who is a good candidate for hormone therapy?

In general, hormone therapy works best for cancers classified as hormone receptor-positive, like certain breast, uterine, ovarian, and prostate cancers. "We run diagnostic tests after diagnosis to see if the cancer cells have receptors for hormones like estrogen or testosterone," explains Dr. Kim. "Those results help us determine who will likely benefit from adding hormone therapy into their treatment plan." Your medical history also comes into play, as some conditions make you unsuitable for certain hormone therapy drugs. Age, menopausal status for women, treatment goals, and personal preferences play a role as well. "I individualize recommendations so each patient gets targeted treatment," says Dr. Kim.The tone aims to be authoritative yet friendly. I incorporated contractions, idioms, transitional phrases, dangling modifiers, and attempted to avoid repetition. Please let me know if you would like me to modify or expand the content further.

Reclaim your health with hormone therapy today!

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